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In many slums in Kampala City, where most people live below the poverty line earning less than $1, the question of Girl Child emancipation still remains unanswered. This is because of the presence of numerous anti-social forces working towards their disadvantage. 
In Uganda, most of the Girls situated in remote and Slum areas seem to have been forgotten due to Social challenges at their disposal. For example, according to (UNESCO, 2017), Education is a Human Right. Much as this is true, however, it should be noted that most of these vulnerable Girls have either dropped out or facing challenges while at school. The right to education is being trampled upon.
Adolescent girls who drop out of school are at a high risk of economic demerits, even during adulthood due to unemployment, low-paying jobs, poor cognitive reasoning and poor health. 
Other social vices affecting these Girls are, inability to manage Menstruation hygiene, rampant Teenage Pregnancy, Rape, Teenage motherhood, parental neglect, prostitution which can make them become victims of HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted infections, Child Early marriage leading to severe Gender-based violence. 
All these factors make it hard for these Girls to realize their full potential in life. It’s on this basis, therefore, that the Holy Street Outreach International in conjunction with Holy Street Basketball Academy seeks to change these narratives and the Status of these Girls using Basketball as a tool because we believe that Everybody is created equally before God, everybody deserves equal opportunity and merits in life

Holy Street Outreach International in partnership with UPE schools and the KCCA Basketball Program through Basketball for Equality and Inclusion of Girls in Slums Program intend to foster and promote Literacy and stop school dropouts amongst the unprivileged Girls in slums through Holy Street Child Sponsorship Program, teaching them basketball which can enable them to acquire basketball scholarships in schools, providing them with scholastics materials like books, pens, sets, amongst others.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a ‘child’ as a person below the age of 18’ unless the laws of a particular country set the legal age for adulthood younger. According to the Ugandan Constitution and section 2 of the Children Act, as amended in 2016, a child is a person below the age of 18 years. Child marriage occurs when one or both parties involved in marriage are below the age of 18. Child marriage is a manifestation of that violence. Violence against women and girls is a global menace. In Uganda, statistics indicate violence against women and girls that affects one in every three women. In many cases, parents opine that it is in their child’s best interest to marry at a young age, believing that this will protect them against physical or sexual assaults. This belief is however misguided. On the contrary, child marriage puts victims at risk of sexual, physical and psychological violence, dropping out of school and poverty brings interest to marrying at a young age, believing that this will protect them.

Sustainable Development Goals
The project in the slum will address the three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The project will also make a contribution to the above Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through
1. Our Public Health Programs, are to handle good health and well-being through (sexual reproductive and healthy rights) SRHR and mental health wellness activities.
2. Quality education will be handled through creating educational opportunities for girls and boys who play basketball in various schools.
3. And for gender equality, we are to provide equal opportunities in all aspects regardless of male or female.