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Challenges Faced by Girls in Slums:

A girl child living in slums faces numerous social challenges daily. In many slums, where most people live below the poverty line - earning less than $1 a day - the question of girl child empowerment remains unanswered.

One of the biggest challenges girls face is menstrual hygiene. This issue arises from a lack of knowledge and the inaccessibility of necessary sanitary items.

According to UNESCO (2017), education is a human right, but most girls in slums either face challenges while attending school or have dropped out.

Many of these girls end up unemployed, as teenage mothers, in prostitution, HIV/AIDS positive, or in early marriages. All these factors hinder these girls from realizing their full potential in life.

On this basis, therefore, Holy Street Basketball Academy, through the HER PURPOSE Basketball Program, seeks to change the narrative and status of girls in slums.