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All children deserve a chance for a better education because education is a human right, without education your children can never really meet the challenges will face. So it’s very important to educate children and explain that they should play a role in their country. 
It’s no secret that education is a critically important path out of the poverty of children in slums, we to know more about our kids as they are involved in our programs where we look at character and future leadership potential; we follow up with schools and enable them to get some basketball scholarships in different schools. Through our child sponsorship program; we provide scholastic materials to kids at the beginning of the academic term. On top of that, we identify different individuals who have the potential to sponsor a child. 
At Holy Street; we are passionate about education as the key to opening numerous doors and opportunities.

Let’s Educate One Child at a Time
92 Hands One Child Education program me ensures that the children who are vulnerable in our community are identified and provided with the resources necessary for them to attend school and attain an education.
This is an opportunity for you to connect with one child, family and community in need on a personal level. You will then be able to walk alongside them as they work on lasting solutions to get an education, fight poverty and reach their potential.
When you become a child sponsor, you will start to build a relationship with one special child with whom you can connect by writing letters, emails or sending cards and gifts. The greatest encouragement for a sponsored child is knowing that someone far away cares about them and their future.
At 92hands, we are passionate about education as the key to opening numerous doors and opportunities. We believe true community development is not about providing money or services. It lies in helping people discover their innate potential as human beings and working together with them to realize that potential. Over time they become self-sufficient and thriving, it is a time for celebration for the achievement.
We believe the best way to change the life of a community is to change the lives of the children in it. Children are our hope and future. We have designed programs directed towards developing the skills and capabilities of the adults and parents they interact with on a constant basis. The work we do is to help improve their lives by confronting the challenges they face.

Education is an opportunity through which society and its people are empowered. It is a tool for economic advancements. Education aids in the social, emotional, and psychological growth of individuals and hence, the community as a whole. However, not all have been able to reap the benefits of the existing education system.
Slum children’s education in India in this context remains a burning issue. A lot of factors combine together, in keeping more than half of India’s school-going children out of school.