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Holy street outreach runs a basketball academy called Holy Street Basketball, it is a grassroots program conducted in different slum communities in Kampala city suburbs with registered number of 128 of kids (30% Girls and 70% Boys). 

The Academy was initiated  in 2016 with a purpose of creating a platform for vulnerable children in slum who doesn’t have opportunity for basketball and also looking at basketball as change agent among children and youths through influencing behavioral change, nurturing talents, availing opportunities for further, career development restoring hope and transforming live.

BASKETBALL Program Activities

Basketball Training Session: We conduct regular basketball training sessions where our professional trained coaches and mentors guides participants, fostering their skills and confidence. 

Camps and Tournaments: Basketball camps and tournaments are crucial component at our academy, these events provides opportunities for kids to showcase their talents, build camaraderie, and develop healthy competition. We organize both intra - community and inter - community basketball events to promote inclusivity and networking. 

Capacity Building Workshops: We conduct workshops focused on mentorship and leadership development, self-esteem, and life skills training. These workshops address topics such as communication skills, teamwork, management, election of leaders, and conflict management. Additionally, workshops on nutrition, health, and fitness will be provided to ensure holistic development